
my grafana admin password was expired i have reset it using grafana cli command but still it show user temporarily disabled, need solution on this

Computer Science


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If you're seeing a "user temporarily disabled" message in Grafana after resetting the admin password, it typically indicates that the user account has been locked due to repeated failed login attempts or other security policies. Here are some steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Unlock the User Account: You can unlock the user account using the Grafana CLI. Run the following command:

    grafana-cli admin reset-admin-password <newpassword>

    Replace <newpassword> with the new password you want to set for the admin user.

  2. Check User Status in the Database: If the account remains locked, you may need to check the database directly. You can do this by executing SQL queries against the Grafana database.

    • If you are using SQLite (default), open it using:

      sqlite3 /var/lib/grafana/grafana.db
    • Run the query to check the user's status:

      SELECT login, is_disabled FROM user WHERE login = 'admin';
    • If is_disabled is set to 1, run the following SQL command to enable the user:

      UPDATE user SET is_disabled = 0 WHERE login = 'admin';
  3. Restart Grafana: After making changes, restart Grafana to ensure that the changes take effect:

    sudo systemctl restart grafana-server
  4. Check Logs: If the issue persists, check the Grafana logs for any error messages that might provide additional insights into the problem:

    sudo journalctl -u grafana-server -f
  5. Verify Configuration Files: Make sure there are no configuration issues in the Grafana configuration files that might be causing the account to be locked.

  6. Consider Security Policies: Review any security policies that may automatically disable accounts after certain conditions, such as repeated failed login attempts.

  7. Upgrade Grafana: If you are running an outdated version of Grafana, consider upgrading to the latest version, as bugs and issues are often fixed in newer releases.

By following these steps, you should be able to unlock the admin user in Grafana and regain access. If you still encounter issues, consider consulting Grafana's official documentation or support forums for additional help.