
Previously accessed website via VPN but now can't, why?



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There could be several reasons why you can no longer access a previously visited website via a VPN. Here are some common issues to consider:

  1. VPN Configuration Changes: The configuration of your VPN may have been altered, causing it to block certain websites or allowing only specific traffic.

  2. Website Restrictions: The website you are trying to access may have implemented measures to block VPN traffic. Some websites actively prevent access from known VPN IP addresses.

  3. VPN Server Issues: The specific VPN server you are using may be experiencing issues or downtimes. Try connecting to a different server.

  4. Network Issues: Your internet connection may have instability or interruptions that could affect your ability to access the website.

  5. Browser or Cache Problems: Sometimes, browser settings or cached data can lead to access issues. Clear your browser cache or try using a different browser.

  6. Firewall or Security Software: Your firewall or security software on your device may be interfering with the VPN connection, preventing access.

  7. VPN Protocol Changes: If your VPN provider changed their protocols (like from OpenVPN to IKEv2), it could affect connectivity with certain websites.

If you've checked these potential issues and still can't access the website, consider reaching out to your VPN provider’s support for further assistance.